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Universal Audio Apollo Twin Solo Vs Duo

Universal Audio Apollo Twin Solo Vs Duo

  1. #1

    Apollo Mission is offline

    UAD User


    Hi everyone. I wanna purchase Apollo Twin only earlier I do so I would like to detect out two things that I tin can't seem to find answer to anywhere online.
    So...since both units are completely IDENTICAL except for 1 more DSP sharc fleck in DUO I would like to know :

    1) Is there a difference in how many and which UA plugins are beingness shipped with SOLO and which ones with TWIN (full versions not demos) and is in that location a way to see the list of SOLO and DUO plugins being free with Apollo Twin ?

    ii. Since I volition never record more than 1 input at the time (vox, bass or guitar) do I realistically even need DUO or SOLO would practise the work ? Lets say I wanna go though 610 B preamp and maybe use one or ii to 3 max more plugins at once cuz thats all I would actually need.

    Thank you lot

    Thank you.

  2. #2

    DanButsu is offline

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    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    1) UAD & Apollo | Realtime Analog Classics Packet

    ii) I would not get a solo, there'southward no room to grow and the plugins are getting a piddling more than DSP hungry. You will probably really similar what they do and sound like and will want to use them on mixdown. Browse the UAD plugin Case Nautical chart to get an thought of how many and what plugins will run on each, but over again, I definitely get a DUO!


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  3. #3

    Apollo Mission is offline

    UAD User

    Hey thanks a lot DanButsu. But I am not sure I underdtand this chart. Is percent representing how much of 1 sharc disc ability each plugin case requires ? And what are these numbers adjacent to that ?

    Also since SOLO and DUO include even same identical plugins, basically only deviation is how many instamces of them y'all can put on per channel ground right ?
    Room to mean buying more than UA plugins and expending library?

  4. #4

    66d35 is offline

    UAD User

    Some of the Plugins are quite DSP intensive, including ones y'all will almost certainly similar and desire to use (Unison preamps, for example). Though y'all say you'll but use 1 channel, you lot never know.... In addition, the price differential between the SOLO and DUO is actually non that peachy because how much more DSP you become and how (as DanButsu says) one time you lot start using them tracking, you'll almost certainly find uses for them during mixdown, and you tin hitting the buffers pretty fast with just one DSP bit. I'd definitely get the DUO. I have one, and it is a fantastic sounding piece of kit. Worth every penny.

    The numbers next to the per centum figure are indeed the theoretical maximum simultaneous instances you could await to run in both mono and stereo modes...even so.... the system also uses some DSP and some might view these every bit slightly 'optimistic'. Certainly I accept institute that 'headroom' gets eaten up faster than you might expect with certain plugs.

  5. #five

    Apollo Mission is offline

    UAD User

    Quote Originally Posted by 66d35 View Post

    Some of the Plugins are quite DSP intensive, including ones you volition almost certainly like and want to use (Unison preamps, for example). Though you say you lot'll only utilize one channel, you lot never know.... In addition, the price differential between the SOLO and DUO is really non that corking because how much more than DSP yous become and how (as DanButsu says) one time yous offset using them tracking, you'll almost certainly find uses for them during mixdown, and y'all can hit the buffers pretty fast with simply one DSP flake. I'd definitely get the DUO. I have 1, and information technology is a fantastic sounding piece of kit. Worth every penny.

    The numbers next to the pct figure are indeed the theoretical maximum simultaneous instances you could wait to run in both mono and stereo modes...still.... the organisation also uses some DSP and some might view these as slightly 'optimistic'. Certainly I accept found that 'headroom' gets eaten up faster than you might expect with sure plugs.

    Well I do believe you but I am merely trying to rationalize this. Even if extra 200$ was not a problem (and information technology kinda is) I would nevertheless desire to understand this.
    Then....the same physical backdrop, I/Bone, and pre's and converters, same plugins likewise too, BUT more retention in DUO (in case I wanna purchase more UA plugins, which I don't cuz they are way too expensive then I know I won't buy any new ones).
    So in case I am not planning on buying new UA plugins non sure if I still demand DUO....hmmm

  6. #6

    Eric Dahlberg is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted past Apollo Mission View Post

    So....the same physical backdrop, I/Bone, and pre'south and converters, aforementioned plugins as well too

    Right.Not retention, processing ability.

    And so in case I am not planning on buying new UA plugins not sure if I still need DUO....hmmm

    More than DSP will let yous to utilize more than of the included plugins when you're mixing.

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  7. #7

    billybk1 is offline

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    Go the Duo and y'all can thank us afterward. Keep in heed, that the Apollo Panel uses function of the on board DSP to run, so out of the box, you volition actually have less than a single Sharc DSP to run plug-ins on with a Solo. That is not much at all!


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  8. #eight

    TerraBreaker is offline

    Experienced UAD User TerraBreaker's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted past DanButsu View Post

    I would non get a solo, there's no room to grow and the plugins are getting a trivial more than DSP hungry.

    I, sadly, made the mistake of getting a SOLO. Within the outset hour of tracking I could run into the error of my ways. Get the extra DSP, your dudeness.

  9. #nine

    sjgam is offline

    Practically a UAD Expert

    Quote Originally Posted by TerraBreaker View Post

    I, sadly, fabricated the error of getting a SOLO. Within the first hr of tracking I could meet the error of my ways. Become the actress DSP, your dudeness.

    Yeah I am home ITB Apollo Twin and just tape single instruments and/or voice and guitar at aforementioned time and I take finely tuned console templated saved with both dsp's very close to 100% and I wish I could tuck some more in only have to make compromises. I fairly quickly got the TB Octo every bit even a uncomplicated mix with a "iv man" band sound and the desirable mk ii's and tape etc are well over what a duo can handle. Similarly I imagine it must exist difficult for apollo duo owners on tracking and really the new blackface 8p quad must be hard to go desirable plugins while tracking as you only get one-half a dsp per input.

  10. #ten

    chime13 is offline

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    Save your money and get a Twin or better. The plugins are getting ability hungry and y'all'll run out of resources before you know it. Honestly, UA shouldn't have released a SOLO version as it is inadequately powered for most applications - including yours'. I'chiliad happy with the Twin, though I should have gotten an Apollo viii.

Universal Audio Apollo Twin Solo Vs Duo

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